Bring the power of STEAM to your classroom

Explore free curriculum tools, creative design challenges, training opportunities, and more. At STEMarts Lab, we make it easy to bring the world of STEAM to your classroom through educator resources in art, science, and technology.

Space for Earth Space for All’ Design Challenge

The Space for Earth-Space for All design challenge encourages you and your students to explore art, science, and creative thinking to envision new design solutions inspired by space exploration

Introducing the annual “Space for Earth-Space for All” design challenge for middle and high school students, created in partnership with the Space Valley Coalition and in alignment with the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs vision to promote international cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space: Bringing the benefits of space to humanity. We ask students to tap into their imaginations and research the science behind space exploration to envision future technologies that address one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) challenges to improve life on Earth, impacting everything from fashion and transportation to agriculture and architecture.

The design challenge provides comprehensive resources: a detailed teacher guide, a student design tool, and links to space research to facilitate the design process. Students will use their choice of materials for their designs, digitize them using scanning apps, and submit them online. The design should be wildly imaginative yet rooted in science and the SDG vision to bring the benefits of space to humankind. Prizes will recognize exceptional designs in various categories, with winners showcased on our website for global exposure. Sign up to our newsletter to receive updates. Register now to secure a spot!

Past Design Challenges

The STEMarts Design Challenges are created for live festivals and events but the STEAM classroom activities and resources live on. Please explore and use freely. Let us know how it works for you!

BioMachine Design Challenge

The BioMachine Design Challenge was created through a partnership with Taos Land Trust and artist, Ana MacArthur who designed the Pollinator Concentrator, a site-specific, interspecies installation at the Rio Fernando Park in Taos New Mexico. Access the BioSTEAM curriculum addressing the concern of pollinator decline and biodiversity loss through nature-inspired design.

Lowrider Design Challenge

STEMarts Lab partnered with Seco Live to create the Lowrider Design Challenge that launched in the fall of 2021 and was open to all Taos County Middle and High Schools. Students designed their own ‘Lowrider of the future’, exploring the latest science and technology to inform their designs. Access the lowrider curriculum to integrate the STEAM activities into your classroom.

Monster Design Challenge

The Monster Design Challenge was part of the PASEO Party on the Plaza event which took place on September 23, 2017. Taos County middle and high school students entered submissions exploring fear, heroism, unlikely alliances, or even humor, based on the work of the 2017 featured Paseo artist, Motomichi Nakamura.

LANL Design Challenge

STEMarts Lab partnered with the Las Alamos National Labs in 2012 to engage Northern New Mexico middle and high school students in the STEM disciplines and to encourage innovation in our schools.

Past Festival Curriculum Tools

The PASEO Festival

STEMarts Lab partnered with the Paseo Project from 2014-2019 to deliver the STEMarts@PASEO Youth Program and online curriculum tools providing STEAM activities, tech resources and science standard alignments built around the visiting Paseo artists that integrated STEM into their art-making process. Access the free STEAM activities for 2017-2019 festivals.


The ISEA2012 STEMArts curriculum tool was built around and for the International Symposium of Electronic Arts 2012: Machine Wilderness (ISEA2012). It is aligned with the P21 Framework for 21st Century Learning as a teaching tool for middle and high school students. The ISEA2012 curriculum content is organized around the work and personal stories of featured ISEA2012 artists with a focus on STEM, creativity and innovation.

Our Partners

Stemarts Lab is proudly a W.A.G.E. Certified Institution

STEMarts lab