516 ARTS
In this collaboration we partnered with 516 Arts and Andrea Polli/University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. We developed STEM+ Arts educational materials and designed exciting art, science and technology youth programs for 6-12th grade students and teachers as part of Education Day of the ISEA2012: Machine Wilderness event September 23, 2012 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.…
We partnered with the Los Alamos National Laboratory Community Outreach (LANL CPO) in 2009. We wish to thank Carole Rutten and Janelle Vigil-Maestas for being the first to support the STEMarts program when it began, as a pilot program at Taos Academy. We later received a LANL Small Grant to run the first of a…
We design Interdisciplinary LABS which encourage experimentation and engage students, teachers, and schools in a real world project that brings the learning of STEM and the arts into the community. Below are the STEMarts Interdisciplinary LABS designed for The PASEO 2015. PASEO2015 Teen Street Journalist Project Journalists: Justis Daniels-Bezout, Haley Rach and Damille Devenyi Facilitators:…
THE Port at CERN meets Taos Artist Matt Thomas
During my residency at CERN in March I met Ines Knaepper and Danial Dobos. They had recently launched an innovative project called THE Port, whose mission is to “combine creative minds from CERN and non-profit organisations in interdisciplinary teams to work on humanitarian technology related benefits to society.” They shared their project goals and expressed…
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: STEMArts Workshop & Pre-PASEO Pop-Up
Original post 8.8.2015 by Dr. Nettrice Gaskins via Musings of a Renagade Futurist As part of the upcoming The PASEO art festival, I visited Taos, NM and worked with local youth on an interactive art installation. My arrival kicked off the STEMarts Lab @ The PASEO programming, a series of youth workshops based at schools across the district.…
The Social Media Workgroup (SMW) investigates the social and ecological impacts of media technology through practice-based research. Based at the University of New Mexico, the group designs and creates projects related to media technology, environment and social change. SMW Project Goals In New Mexico: The unemployment rate is 7.2% and 61% of current and former…
Café Scientifique@The PASEO FACILITATOR: Meghan McFail EVENT: Saturday 10-11am SITE: Roaming Students from the Café Scientifique of Northern New Mexico will be participating in The PASEO, a festival dedicated to bringing the art of installation, performance and projection to the streets of Taos, New Mexico on September 25 and 26. The Café Scientifique students will…
Paseo POP-Up: Artist Nettrice Gaskins Brings Electrofunk Mixtape to Taos!
The ELECTROFUNK MIXTAPE Taos Academy & Oo-oonah Art Center Crew gearing-up for a day of INNOVATION – with Dr. Nettrice Gaskins & STEMarts Lab’s Agnes Chavez! #STEMartsLab #ThePASEO2015 Haley #TSJ