STEMarts Lab partnered with The PASEO a festival dedicated to bringing the art of installation, performance and projection to the streets of Taos, New Mexico. The PASEO creates a new platform for the public display of art within the Taos Historic District. From 2014-2019, the STEMarts@The PASEO Youth Program provided educational programming for our youth…
WHO DO WE SERVE? Middle or high school teachers: We work with you to bring STEMarts projects into your classroom to enhance your curriculum. School administrators: We design STEMarts programming that engages students and teachers while meeting STEM standards. Museum /Festival Directors: We can add an innovative sci-art installation and educational component to your programming.…
ELECTROFUNK MIXTAPE: A VIRTUAL SOUNDING SPACE ARTIST: Boston EVENT: 3-Day Summer Workshop SCHOOLS: Taos Academy and Oo-oonah Art Center, Taos Pueblo PREVIEW EVENT: August 6th PERFORMANCE : September 25, 26 This project takes the idea of the mixture and combines it with Alexander G. Weheliye’s notion of a “virtual sounding space that is marked by…
STEMarts LAB was founded by new media artist Agnes Chavez as a Research and Innovation platform for sci-art explorations applied to art and education (social practice). Agnes Chavez is an interdisciplinary artist, educator, and social entrepreneur. She is the founder and developer of the Sube Teach language thru Art, Music and Games program, now in its…
STEMarts started in 2009 as a pilot STEAM program at Taos Academy with a small grant from Los Alamos National Laboratory. In 2012 STEMarts was contracted by 516 Arts to design and coordinate the Education Program Director for the ISEA2012 Machine Wilderness event in Albuquerque. Through this project STEMarts expanded to develop the ISEA2012 STEMArts…
What do Electrofunk, Pueblo culture and Taos teenagers have in common? The answer. Nettrice Gaskins! I met Nettrice for the STEMarts@International Symposium of Electronic Arts(ISEA): Machine Wilderness event which took place in Albuquerque in 2012. We invited her to teach her Augmented Reality (AR) Mural workshop at Explora and I was blown away by AR…
Agnes Chavez and the STEMarts Lab were invited to the Havana Biennial 2015 to present the Projecting Particles workshop which explores particle physics through projection art. Cuban science students from a high school in Havana participated and performed their live projections at Parque Trillo.
#PASEOTaos2015 #TSJ 2015 ARTISTS Agnes Chavez apprenticeship art art and technology astrobiology astrobotany astrophysics Couse-Sharp House Cuba Electrofunk Mixtape Havana Biennial 2015 indigenous cosmology indigenous world view Lakota cosmology Luna Chapel Nettrice Gaskins Oo-oonah Art Center particle physics PASEO 2015 PASEO2015 PaseoFestival Paseo POP-up Pre-PASEO project based learning Projecting Particles sci-art Sci Art science Space STEAM stem STEMarts Lab STEMartsLab Taos Academy Tech technology Teen Street Journalists The PASEO The Paseo Taos THE Port Uncategorized video mapping