Agnes Chavez shares 2015 Projecting Particles outcomes at return visit to ATLAS@CERN

MAY 2016
CERN. Geneva, Switzerland

A year after her 2015 two-week research stay through ATLAS Experiment at CERN, Chavez returns to share end of year video documentation from the Projecting Particles projects.  The gatherings took place at the CERN library and Ideasquare, a dedicated test facility at CERN that hosts detector R&D projects, facilitates MSc student programs and can host special innovation-related events. A special thanks to Dr. Steven Goldfarb and Claire Adam Bourdarios for facilitating a series of exchanges to get feedback from the physics community and dedicated time for future planning. We are excited to announce that the Projecting Particles@ATLAS project has been accepted as a poster session at the ICHEP Conference (38th International Conference on High Energy Physics). Stay tuned for new developments underway for the 2016 Projecting Particles- ATLAS@CERN partnership.

Highlights from the exchanges.

Agnes Chavez shares 2015 outcomes from Projecting Particles project.

An expanded partnership with ATLAS led to bringing the ATLAS Masterclass to Taos High School which deepened the physics learning. The five-day workshop ended with students sharing their experience as part of an Artist Talk at The Harwood Museum. 2015 workshops were sponsored by ATLAS@CERN, Quarknet, Harwood Museum, Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Albert L. Pierce Foundation. Special thanks to AmeriCorps VISTA.

Also shared were the results from the Projecting Particles workshop at the Havana Biennial 2015, with physicist, Dr. Luis Flores Castillo leading the physics instruction at a high school in Havana.


Tagtool app developer, Markus Dorninger, led the art portion of the the two-day workshop resulting in a live performance by Cuban students projecting on to a building at Parque Trillo.





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STEMarts projects are made possible in part by the Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund for U.S. Alumni; an opportunity sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and administered by Partners of the Americas. This project is supported in part by New Mexico Arts, a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs, and by the National Endowment for the Arts.

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