Los Alamos ScienceFest 2024

STEMarts Lab is thrilled to have partnered with Los Alamos Mainstreet and the SALA Event Center to bring our virtual and augmented reality (AR) experiences to the Los Alamos ScienceFest this year. We presented an Augmented Reality Sky Hunt at Ashley Pond and a VR live painting session at SALA. Our STEMarts Ambassadors were part of the entire process, from creating the Space[AR]T to serving as XR guides at the event. See it all in action by visiting our SPACE[AR]T page.

STEMarts Ambassadors:
Ian Harrison and Julia Doke (ABQ): Artists/Instructors
Shaylee Mirabal (Taos Pueblo) and Santiago Valadez (Guadalajara)
Apprentices- Kylie Alvarez (Los Alamos) Raziah Ko (Taos) , Savannah Romero (Vadito), Zion Flores (Eagle Nest) Claire Legate (ABQ), Taylor Streit (Taos), Havilah Hughes(Taos), Joaquin Romero (Taos Pueblo), Dominique Fraire






Our Partners

Thank You To Our Sponsors

STEMarts projects are made possible in part by the Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund for U.S. Alumni; an opportunity sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and administered by Partners of the Americas. This project is supported in part by New Mexico Arts, a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs, and by the National Endowment for the Arts.

Become a Donor

Individual donors are the engine behind the organization. Each donation no matter how small builds the foundation that keeps us going. Your donations make possible the work that we do!

STEMarts lab