‘I Love You’ Vivid Sydney 2016
I Love You is an interactive installation that acts as a public ‘love-o’meter’. The heart sculpture measures people’s love through courageous proclamations as they shout ‘I love you!’ as loud as possible. The louder these declarations of love , the more responsive the heart becomes and participants may be rewarded with special animations if they…
Translating Emoji into a Giant Light Show
Ancient Chinese texts and social media meet in a new giant light show at the Beijing National Aquatics Center. “Nature and Man in Rhapsody of Light at the Water Cube,” an installation created by artist Jennifer Wen Ma and lighting designer Zheng Jianwei, uses a computer program to translate I Ching and the collective mood…
What is Digital Art?
Digital art is a term and a practice that has been prevalent in the museums and contemporary art sectors since the 1960s. As technological advances mean that digital innovations are now pervading many more areas of our lives, the arts industry is starting to take the work of artists working in the digital realm increasingly…
Hello Trees: An Interactive Installation at Discovery Green
This video explores the interactive public installation that lets visitors communicate with trees via audio visual messages. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ofpIvqgIuI
Weekend Projects: Visualizing Sound with a Chladni Plate
Build a Chladni plate and observe the visual patterns of various sound frequencies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKmPc0Q0kKg
CYMATICS: Science Vs. Music – Nigel Stanford
Cymatics features audio visualized by science experiments – including the Chaldni Plate, Ruben’s Tube, Tesla Coil and Ferro Fluid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3oItpVa9fs
RCA graduate Dagny Rewera uses soap and light to visualise sound
Royal College of Art graduate Dagny Rewera used soap and light to create this audiovisual display highlighting the microscopic appearance of sound. https://vimeo.com/87557600
Synesthesia: The Science Behind Seeing Sounds & Tasting Color
Synesthesia is a rare neurological condition where someone’s senses become entangled. What’s it like to see sound and taste color? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s32v0rTkey4
Sound Properties: Amplitude, period, frequency, wavelength
How to find the amplitude, period, frequency, and wavelength for a sound wave. https://www.khanacademy.org/science/ap-physics-1/ap-mechanical-waves-and-sound/introduction-to-sound-waves-ap/v/sound-properties-amplitude-period-frequency-wavelength
Modulated LED: Listen to a Beam of Light
In this Exploratorium video and lesson, build a simple device that will transmit audio signals from a radio or digital-music player via a blinking LED to a solar cell. https://www.exploratorium.edu/snacks/modulated-led