Noise Aquarium
Noise Aquarium spotlights animated 3D models of plankton obtained with scientific imaging techniques. The artist projects the plankton as large as whales inside the Space Cloud. Vesna works with biologists, chemists, nano-toxicologists and an animator toward a common goal – to raise consciousness about the underwater pollution that threatens the biodiversity of our most precious…
Ocean Great Ideas: Fishing nets with LED lights and selective panels to reduce bycatch
To change the tide of unsustainable fishing practices, some designers have jumped in with unique designs to prevent bycatch and overfishing. Inspired by an incident of Scottish fisherman exceeding the European Union catch quota and dumping back five metric tons of dead fish back into the North Sea in 2008, a British designer Dan Watson…
These Communities Turn Discarded Fishing Nets Into Carpets
Explorer Heather Koldewey is helping people in the Philippines and beyond clean up ocean plastic, starting with ghost nets. https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2018/06/heather-koldeway-explorer-nets-plastic-philippines-ocean-culture/