Polyscape by Yulia Pinkusevich
Polyscape is a “floating island” made of recycled polypropylene plastic, which is the material used to make disposable bags and drinking bottles. The suspended, kinetic piece mimics the motion of water and undulates when it detects human motion. It comments on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a.k.a. the Pacific Trash Vortex, which is a floating…
Shih Chieh huang turns plastic waste into ocean-like robotic creatures
Taiwanese artist shih chieh huang makes art from unlikely objects, using garbage bags, plastic bottles and computer fans to create ocean-like robotic sculptures. https://www.designboom.com/art/shih-chieh-huang-incubate-exhibition-feldman-gallery-03-25-2019/
Artwork built from ocean plastic sends a powerful message about how it enters the food chain
Plastic Reflectic is an art installation made out of plastic rubbish collected from the ocean. The plastic is connected to underwater sensors which mirror human movement in front of the artwork. https://www.businessinsider.com/artwork-ocean-plastic-food-chain-rubbish-thijs-biersteker-biodegrade-2016-12
Plastic Ocean Art Installation by Tan Zi Xi
In the Plastic Ocean exhibit, more than 20,000 plastic waste collected hang motionless in the stillness of the space. The installation reflects an ocean that is highly cluttered with plastic that takes 1,000 years to degrade. Yes, every thoughtless flick of plastic into your dustbin may contribute to the swirling mass of plastic drifting across…
Noise Aquarium
Noise Aquarium spotlights animated 3D models of plankton obtained with scientific imaging techniques. The artist projects the plankton as large as whales inside the Space Cloud. Vesna works with biologists, chemists, nano-toxicologists and an animator toward a common goal – to raise consciousness about the underwater pollution that threatens the biodiversity of our most precious…
Net-Works, a community-based supply chain for collecting discarded fishing nets
Net-Works™ is designed to tackle the growing environmental problem of discarded fishing nets in some of the world’s poorest coastal communities and to support Interface’s ambitious goals for recycled content for its carpet tile. The program has established a community-based supply chain for collecting discarded fishing nets in rural coastal areas within the Danajon Bank,…
These Communities Turn Discarded Fishing Nets Into Carpets
Explorer Heather Koldewey is helping people in the Philippines and beyond clean up ocean plastic, starting with ghost nets. https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2018/06/heather-koldeway-explorer-nets-plastic-philippines-ocean-culture/
Brainstorming Techniques to Create New Innovative Ideas (includes ocean plastic challenge )
Brainstorming is a good way to come up with a solution or two. As the name suggests, the idea is that you storm on the neural pathways through the brain to pick a lot of thoughts quickly and intuitively. It’s best to do this with a group of diverse people, so you have lots of…
Community Voices: Ethyl the Whale
The 82-foot-long blue whale sculpture is made from hand-recycled plastic trash and is also internally lit to glow each evening. Ethyl’s dramatic size and name, help bring awareness to our planet’s massive issue with plastic pollution. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Enf4ailMTrc
Ghost Net Art as Environmental Activism
Watch as artists from Darnley Island tell us why they use ghost net (discarded plastic fishing nets) in their art. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNAh0zvAiiY