Bureo Skateboards made of discarded fishing nets!
Bureo designs and manufactures a unique line of sustainable skateboards. Bureo’s innovative boards are manufactured in Chile through the team’s initiative, ‘Net Positiva’, Chile’s first ever fishnet collection & recycling program. https://oceangreatideas.com/2016/02/06/bureo-skateboards-made-of-discarded-fishing-nets/
Ocean Great Ideas: Fishing nets with LED lights and selective panels to reduce bycatch
To change the tide of unsustainable fishing practices, some designers have jumped in with unique designs to prevent bycatch and overfishing. Inspired by an incident of Scottish fisherman exceeding the European Union catch quota and dumping back five metric tons of dead fish back into the North Sea in 2008, a British designer Dan Watson…
Net-Works, a community-based supply chain for collecting discarded fishing nets
Net-Works™ is designed to tackle the growing environmental problem of discarded fishing nets in some of the world’s poorest coastal communities and to support Interface’s ambitious goals for recycled content for its carpet tile. The program has established a community-based supply chain for collecting discarded fishing nets in rural coastal areas within the Danajon Bank,…
Plastic Ocean: Sustainable Development Goals- 14 Life Below Water
United Nations – Plastic – both a wonderful invention and a scourge on our planet. Over 300 million tons will be produced this year. Most is never recycled and remains on our land and in our seas for ever. Our story shows the damage to all creatures who depend on the ocean for their food…