Resource: Lightweighting principles inspired by nature
During her Synapse webinar, Lightweighting Models Beyond Bones, Biomimicry 3.8 co-founder and author Janine Benyus reviewed a set of twelve lightweighting principles inspired by the natural world. Now, we’ve turned that into an infographic as a quick and easy reference to how nature uses materials efficiently and creatively without compromising functionality. High quality PDF available for…
Video: How Bees See
Dr Adrian Dyer invented this mechano-optical device, which emulates the 7,000 individual lenses of a bee’s compound eye. Find out more in this video. http://theconversation.com/our-bee-eye-camera-helps-us-support-bees-grow-food-and-protect-the-environment-110022
Radio: Fish Use Polarized Light to Disappear
Scientists discover how some fish make a cloaking effect to avoid predators. Find out more in this radio segment by https://www.cbc.ca/radio/quirks/quirks-quarks-for-nov-21-2015-1.3328206/fish-use-polarized-light-to-disappear-1.3328358
Video: Hear My Nectar: Dish-Shaped Leaves Attract Pollinating Bats
Scientist Ralph Simon explains how a dish-shaped leaf attracts bat pollinators.
Samantha Lee: Universal Assembly Unit pulsing Light Pollination installation for iGuzzini
Commissioned by iGuzzini, Light Pollination consists of 20,000 LED lights embedded on the ends of fibre-optic cables. These gently pulse with light to mimic the phenomenon of bioluminescence in nature. https://www.dezeen.com/2016/09/12/video-interview-universal-assembly-unit-interactive-installation-light-pollination-iguzzini-movie/
Article: Butterfly wings inspire a better way to absorb light in solar panels
The wings of a butterfly have inspired a new type of solar cell that can harvest light twice as efficiently as before and could one day improve our solar panels. https://www.theverge.com/2017/10/19/16503258/butterfly-wings-engineering-solar-cell-energy-biomimicry
Video: What is Biomimicry?
Biomimicry Is Innovation Inspired By Nature. Learn more in this video by Fast Company that speaks to Janine Benyus founder of the Biomimicry Institute. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBUpnG1G4yQ
Video: The world is poorly designed. But copying nature helps.
Biomimicry-the design movement pioneered by biologist and writer Janine Benyus. She’s a co-founder of the Biomimicry Institute, a non-profit encouraging creators to discover how big challenges in design, engineering, and sustainability have often already been solved through 3.8 billion years of evolution on earth. See real world application in this video.
Video: The Innovators Using Nature’s Design Principles for Green Tech
Janine Benyus is a biologist, innovation consultant, and author of six books, including Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature. In this video Benyus explains the practice of biomimicry and what can be learned from the genius of nature.
Biomimicry: definition & examples (explained with drawings)
Biomimicry looks to Nature to provide inspiration and direction to sustainably solve our most pressing challenges. It is innovation inspired by nature. Biomimicry is related to sustainability, sustainable development, circular economy, natural capitalism, corporate sustainability; sustainable design. Find out more in this whiteboard animation by Sustainability Illustrated.