Article: Want to Stop the Next Pandemic? Start Protecting Wildlife Habitats
There are four critical facets of pandemic prevention, according to Lee Hannah, senior scientist at Conservation International. Three of them make immediate sense against the backdrop of our current emergency: stockpile masks and respirators; have testing infrastructure ready; and ban the global wildlife trade, including the open animal markets where COVID-19 may have first infected people.…
Article: Tip of the iceberg- is our destruction of nature responsible for Covid-19?
As habitat and biodiversity loss increase globally, the coronavirus outbreak may be just the beginning of mass pandemics. …a number of researchers today think that it is actually humanity’s destruction of biodiversity that creates the conditions for new viruses and diseases such as Covid-19, the viral disease that emerged in China in December 2019, to…
Article: The Coronavirus Connection
Forest loss drives viruses as well as climate change—and Indigenous peoples are on the frontlines of the destruction.By Covering Climate NowMarch 18, 2020 https://www.thenation.com/article/environment/coronavirus-indigenous-peoples/
Video:Coronavirus- a message from nature
Nature is sending us another wake-up call with the COVID-19 pandemic, alongside Australian bushfires, broken heat records and the worst locust invasion in Kenya for 70 years. Our destruction of nature is hurting humanity. While our immediate priority must be to protect people from COVID-19 and prevent its spread, our long-term response must tackle climate…
Video: How nature can protect us from pandemics
In this video, Bernard Bett discusses the delicate relationship between humans, wildlife and the pathogens that circulate among them in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. UN Environment Programme https://www.unenvironment.org/news-and-stories/video/how-nature-can-protect-us-pandemics
Article: How biodiversity loss is hurting our ability to combat pandemics
World Economic Forum article: How biodiversity loss is hurting our ability to combat pandemics https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/03/biodiversity-loss-is-hurting-our-ability-to-prepare-for-pandemics/
Article: When Confronting a Pandemic, We Must Save Nature to Save Ourselves
When Confronting a Pandemic, We Must Save Nature to Save Ourselves https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/green/reports/2020/04/20/483455/confronting-pandemic-must-save-nature-save/
Article: The Solution to Food Insecurity is Food Sovereignty
The COVID-19 pandemic is pushing many to recognize the importance and urgency of food sovereignty – the right of people to determine their own food and agricultural systems and their right to produce and consume healthy and culturally appropriate food. https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/solution-food-insecurity-food-sovereignty-200425143803134.html
Article: Gardening Advice from Indigenous Food Growers
Many Americans are now experiencing an erratic food supply for the first time. Among COVID-19’s disruptions are bare supermarket shelves and items available yesterday but nowhere to be found today. As you seek ways to replace them, you can look to Native gardens for ideas and inspiration. https://www.resilience.org/stories/2020-06-03/gardening-advice-from-indigenous-food-growers/