Biosteam Design Tag: DESIGN

  • Resource: Lightweighting principles inspired by nature

    During her Synapse webinar, Lightweighting Models Beyond Bones, Biomimicry 3.8 co-founder and author Janine Benyus reviewed a set of twelve lightweighting principles inspired by the natural world. Now, we’ve turned that into an infographic as a quick and easy reference to how nature uses materials efficiently and creatively without compromising functionality. High quality PDF available for…

  • Article: Bio-inspired materials—borrowing from nature’s playbook

    Nature provides myriad examples of unique materials and structures developed for specialized applications or adaptations. An interdisciplinary group of researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames Laboratory is trying to unlock the secrets that organisms use to build such complex structures so that power can be used to create materials not found in nature…

  • Video: What is Biomimicry?

    Biomimicry Is Innovation Inspired By Nature. Learn more in this video by Fast Company that speaks to Janine Benyus founder of the Biomimicry Institute.

  • Video: The world is poorly designed. But copying nature helps.

    Biomimicry-the design movement pioneered by biologist and writer Janine Benyus. She’s a co-founder of the Biomimicry Institute, a non-profit encouraging creators to discover how big challenges in design, engineering, and sustainability have often already been solved through 3.8 billion years of evolution on earth. See real world application in this video.

  • Biomimicry Toolbox

    By applying nature’s design lessons, we can create solutions that help support a healthy planet. This digital resource site from the Biomimicry Institute provides a quick-start guide to biomimicry, introducing the core concepts and methods that are essential to successfully incorporate insights from nature into design.

  • Video:12 sustainable design ideas from nature | Janine Benyus

    In this inspiring TED talk about recent developments in biomimicry, Janine Benyus provides heartening examples of ways in which nature is already influencing the products and systems we build.

  • Student Example: Nature inspired industrial design sneaker by student

    Example of nature inspired industrial design sneaker by RISD student Drawing example

  • Student example: Bio-inspired drawing samples

    To get you ready for the project of doing a nature-inspired drawing informed by the topic of pollinator decline and biodiversity loss. here are some examples First year engineering design drawings focusing on biomimicry, biomimetics and bio-inspired design. ISSUU link

  • Ask Nature: Biomimicry Lesson Resource

    Check out this Biomimicry resource by Ask Nature, a digital platform that connects innovators with the knowledge, ideas, and people that will enable them to imagine and develop circular and resilient solutions to society’s greatest challenges.This resource is expansive and includes Biomimicry curriculum, videos and more. This resource includes nature’s strategies worthy of copying. Explore…

  • Article: The best of biomimicry: Here’s 7 brilliant examples of nature-inspired design

    Sometimes the best solution to a problem isn’t alway the most complex, and, similarly, the best answer isn’t always a new one one. While us humans may just be getting our feet wet (relatively speaking) with ingenuity, the animal kingdom has millennia of evolutionary trial-and-error to learn from… See some cool examples here

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