Online Radio: Bat-lovers unite! Monitoring, protecting and loving our flying mammal friends
The Taos Land Trust has been monitoring the bat population at Rio Fernando Park in Taos, New Mexico for over a year. How do we do it? Bat expert Mike Balistreri explains the scientific process of monitoring bats, the status of bat populations in northern New Mexico and dives into the importance of bats for…
Video: Conservation and Restoration Ecology: Crash Course Ecology #12
Hank wraps up the Crash Course on ecology by taking a look at the growing fields of conservation biology and restoration ecology, which use all the kung fu moves we’ve learned about in the past eleven weeks and apply them to protecting ecosystems and to cleaning up the messes that we’ve already made.
Video: North America’s Original Cuisine – Foodways with Jessica Sanchez, Episode 8
In a remote corner of Colorado known as Dunton Hot Springs, Executive Chef Karlos Baca is educating guests on the meaning of indigenous cuisine. Using the bounty of the land such as bison and foraged forest ingredients, chef Baca continues to carry on the traditions of his ancestors not only through his cooking, but by…
Video: Tending the Wild: Living Desert
The desert is a unique and highly fragile environment that is culturally valuable to Native communities. Despite appearing barren, the desert supports a wide swath of life: plants, animals, humans, and cultural practices. But the desert has also been seen as a location prime for urban development and large-scale extractive industries such as mining, wind,…