Video: World’s Most Asked Questions: Why is the Sky Blue?
People ask Google everything under the sun. One of the most commonly searched questions in the world is “Why Is the Sky Blue?” Allow us at SciShow to explain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Yli-yvNy-k
Video: Why Nature Loves Hexagons
From spirals to spots to fractals, nature is full of interesting patterns. Many of these patterns even resemble geometric shapes. One of the most common? Hexagons. Why do we see this six-sided shape occur so many times in nature? This week we explore why hexagons are so common in the natural world, from honeycomb to…
Video: Introduction to Ecology
Learn about the biosphere, ecosystems, communities, populations, organisms, habitats, niches, generalists, specialists, biotic and abiotic factors in this video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlnFylwdYH4
Citizen Science Resource: SciStarter- Science we can do together
This site has citizen science projects from around the world with a diversity of topics. As we face global challenges, we may want to find local ways to make a difference in protecting endangered species, safeguarding water sources, preventing disease, or accelerating medical research. Science needs more eyes, ears and perspectives than any scientist possesses.…
Article: Rudolph and relatives have UV vision
The reindeer of the high north can see light that is invisible to our eyes. This is a big advantage in a snow white landscape. http://sciencenordic.com/rudolph-and-relatives-have-uv-vision
Article: How Bees See, And Why It Matters
Scientists consider bees to be a keystone species. They are so important to an ecosystem that it will collapse without them. At least 90 commercially grown crops depend upon bee pollination for survival. How important is the pollination by bees? Ask an almond grower. Without bees, there would be no almonds. Apples, blueberries, cherries, avocados,…
Video: Tour of the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum – Introduction
Find out about the science and applications of the electro magnetic spectrum in this NASA Science video.
Video: PHYSICS GIRL EXPERIMENT- Only some humans can see this type of light
Join Physics girl on a tour of polarized light and learn how to do a simple project to see the invisible.
Video: Linear Parabolic Solar Reflectors- A Practical Experiment for Students
The BioSTEAM artist, Ana MacArthur, chose a parabolic shape for the site specific installation, Pollinator Concentrator. In this practical activity/experiment, learn about parabolas, make a parabolic solar reflector, and then investigate its ability to focus sunlight.
Article: Monitoring Solitary Bees Using Open Technology
“Bees in the Backyard” is a citizen science technology project to investigate the nesting behavior of Mason bees, by Mike Teachman, amateur bee enthusiast and Paul Perrault senior field applications engineer. https://blog.arduino.cc/2016/02/23/monitoring-solitary-bees-using-open-technology/