Brief history of Inflatable Architecture
Short overview of inflatable architecture with great images and diagrams. Fast Company article
Giant Inflatable structures
This video by the University of Hawaii exhibits student inflatable architecture. Giant Inflatable Structure Give Students Valuable Experience
KET Education article and video
This article and video from KET Education, takes you on a tour of Architects of Air pneumatic structure and reveals the geometry, art and architecture of their work at the BLINK Festival in Cincinnati. Architects of Air: Katena
Air Apparent
This article Air Apparent: Pneumatic Structures gives a brief history of inflatable architecture. Air Apparent: Pneumatic structures
This entry defines pneumatics as an aspect of physics and engineering that is concerned with using the energy in compressed gas to make something move or work. Pneumatics
Pneumatic Structures
This article defines pneumatic structures as membrane structures that are stabilized by the pressure of compressed air. Pneumatic structures