ISEA2012 Tag: Education

  • USA’s Science education initiative excludes the arts

     ‘Can the U.S.’s Science Education Initiative Succeed Without the Arts? A Growing Chorus Says No’ (Blouin Artinfo Aug 2012) Thomas Eakins article, discusses the STEM agenda and the need for engagement with the arts, furthering the STEAM debate. The article provides useful links to current issues in the STEM / STEAM debate including cuts and…

  • Steven Ross Pomeroy -Science and Art go Hand in Hand

    In a post for Scientific American, Aug 2012 Steve R. Pomeroy considers the importantce of the arts for imagination and the necessity of their inclusion in the educational system with science to insure innovation. You can read from STEM to STEAM Science and Art go hand in hand here.

  • Art / Sci quotes

    This is a list of quotes that link to the Art / Sci debate and although may initially seem irrelevant its useful to consider the long-standing relationship between these two disciplines and their importance of integration and value in education. 1.  Study the science of art and the art of science. Leonardo Da Vinci 2. How often…

STEMarts lab