Artist: Robert Vanderslice
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/robert.vanderslice.35?fref=nf Videos: Robert Vanderslice: 11 Miles of Tape “Rob Vanerslice, artist and award winning custom car painter, takes us through his personal journey and the process of bringing a lowrider to life through paint.” 25 min Articles: Artist Profile: Rob Vanderslice Interview with Rob Vanderslice with Lay it Low. https://www.layitlow.com/threads/rob-vanderslice-paint-jobs.173745/ Creating the “Rob…
Experiment: Build your own airbrush – Applying Bernoulli
“Rapidly moving air will be at a lower pressure than when it is stopped. This is called Bernoulli’s principle. So when you blow across the top of the straw, the rapidly moving air is at a lower pressure than the air above the water in your glass.” https://www.thenakedscientists.com/get-naked/experiments/build-your-own-airbrush-applying-bernoulli
Video: How Does an Airbrush Work?
This is a short video that explains how an airbrush works. It is part of the newly organized “Airbrushing for Modelers 101” web pages
Airbrush Useful For Making Microelectrodes, Not Just Art
The airbrush, that tool behind tattoos and T-shirts, may have an unexpected future… in technology. A group of engineering students have come up with a method for using an airbrush to make microelectrodes — tiny conductors used in an increasing range of consumer, research and medical products. The technique is simpler than the standard one,…
Experiment: Build your own airbrush – Applying Bernoulli
“Rapidly moving air will be at a lower pressure than when it is stopped. This is called Bernoulli’s principle. So when you blow across the top of the straw, the rapidly moving air is at a lower pressure than the air above the water in your glass.” https://www.thenakedscientists.com/get-naked/experiments/build-your-own-airbrush-applying-bernoulli
Artist: Joseph Leyba of Blast Factory
Blast factory paintworks… ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO …aerosol art, pinstripe, lettering, custom paint, classic car restoration. https://www.picuki.com/profile/BlastFactory
Artist: Joey Montoya
Daman-Grafix https://www.deviantart.com/daman-grafix/about#about Daman-Grafix Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYOH1LhvO8veF5X1dnJtajw Articles: Market Daze “Before, the only airbrush art you really saw was on lowrider cars and T-shirts. Now I believe there are three or four people including myself in the market who do either airbrush, spray paint or something that isn’t typical oil, acrylic, bristle brush,” the 33-year-old says.…