Lowrider Tag: Airbrushing

  • Artist: Robert Vanderslice

    Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/robert.vanderslice.35?fref=nf Videos: Robert Vanderslice: 11 Miles of Tape “Rob Vanerslice, artist and award winning custom car painter, takes us through his personal journey and the process of bringing a lowrider to life through paint.” 25 min Articles: Artist Profile: Rob Vanderslice Interview with Rob Vanderslice with Lay it Low. https://www.layitlow.com/threads/rob-vanderslice-paint-jobs.173745/ Creating the “Rob…

  • Experiment: Build your own airbrush – Applying Bernoulli

    “Rapidly moving air will be at a lower pressure than when it is stopped. This is called Bernoulli’s principle. So when you blow across the top of the straw, the rapidly moving air is at a lower pressure than the air above the water in your glass.” https://www.thenakedscientists.com/get-naked/experiments/build-your-own-airbrush-applying-bernoulli

  • Video: How Does an Airbrush Work?

    This is a short video that explains how an airbrush works. It is part of the newly organized “Airbrushing for Modelers 101” web pages

  • Airbrush Useful For Making Microelectrodes, Not Just Art

    The airbrush, that tool behind tattoos and T-shirts, may have an unexpected future… in technology. A group of engineering students have come up with a method for using an airbrush to make microelectrodes — tiny conductors used in an increasing range of consumer, research and medical products. The technique is simpler than the standard one,…

  • Experiment: Build your own airbrush – Applying Bernoulli

    “Rapidly moving air will be at a lower pressure than when it is stopped. This is called Bernoulli’s principle. So when you blow across the top of the straw, the rapidly moving air is at a lower pressure than the air above the water in your glass.” https://www.thenakedscientists.com/get-naked/experiments/build-your-own-airbrush-applying-bernoulli

  • Artist: Joseph Leyba of Blast Factory

    Blast factory paintworks… ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO …aerosol art, pinstripe, lettering, custom paint, classic car restoration. https://www.picuki.com/profile/BlastFactory

  • Artist: Joey Montoya

    Daman-Grafix https://www.deviantart.com/daman-grafix/about#about Daman-Grafix Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYOH1LhvO8veF5X1dnJtajw Articles: Market Daze “Before, the only airbrush art you really saw was on lowrider cars and T-shirts. Now I believe there are three or four people including myself in the market who do either airbrush, spray paint or something that isn’t typical oil, acrylic, bristle brush,” the 33-year-old says.…

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