Lowrider Tag: New Mexico

  • Article: Runs in the Family

    Española lowriders turn Good Friday into a family-friendly event. https://www.newmexico.org/nmmagazine/articles/post/runs-in-the-family/

  • Article: Creating the “Rob job”: Car painter Robert Vanderslice

    When you’ve got etched, polished chrome exhaust pipes snaking down the length of your ride, a gold or silver grill, a sparkling engine, rims, hood ornaments, and hydraulics, you need a flashy paint job to go with it. You would be hard-pressed to find a painter with a reputation as solid as that of Albuquerque…

  • Article: ‘¡Órale!’ excites and inspires at Harwood Museum in Taos

    “You don’t want to miss this crazy mash-up of underground art — from the West Coast to our personal holy land, Nuevo México. But this isn’t some freak show. Like the million-dollar Biennials it is modeled after, “¡Óralé!” is bold, intelligent and at times, even a little uncomfortable.” https://www.taosnews.com/tempo/arts/rale-excites-and-inspires-at-harwood-museum-in-taos/article_c1e6a4cb-8ef1-5289-aec9-dbffa9b24d05.html

  • Harwood Museum of Art- Santo Lowride: Norteño Car Culture and the  Santos Tradition

    Santo Lowride: Norteño Car Culture and the Santos Tradition unrolls the unique story of New Mexico’s interwoven expressions of devotional art and lowrider culture. Just as the santos artists seek a physical channel between the heavens and their daily life, the lowrider has evolved as a modern-day vessel for the belief systems of multicultural Norteño…

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