Article: The Revolutionary History of Lowriders
The new film ‘Lowriders’ highlights the aesthetic of Chicanx car culture but leaves out its radical politics. Find out more about the revolutionary roots in this article from Vice. https://www.vice.com/en/article/9aeamy/the-revolutionary-history-of-lowriders
Article: Lowriders- Cars with identities
Lowriders are cars that express identities—social, cultural, aesthetic. With their extended bodies and low to the road roll, the cars have been a vehicle of choice for cruising, a popular pastime in many American communities since the mid-twentieth century. Lowriding puts both the cars and their riders on display. https://nmaahc.si.edu/explore/manylenses/lowriders#her
Video Lesson: Under the hood- The chemistry of cars
There are over one billion cars in the world right now, getting people from point A to point B. But cars aren’t just a mode of transportation; they also teach an excellent lesson in chemistry. Cynthia Chubbuck navigates the intricate chemistry performed in our car engines that keep them from getting too hot or too…
Video Lesson: How do self-driving cars “see”?
It’s late, pitch dark and a self-driving car winds down a narrow country road. Suddenly, three hazards appear at the same time. With no human at the wheel, the car uses smart eyes, sensors that’ll resolve these details all in a split-second. How is this possible? Sajan Saini explains how LIDAR and integrated photonics technology…
Video: NMPBS ¡COLORES!- Lowriding in New Mexico
In collaboration with the New Mexico History Museum, cultural historian Don Usner shares the heart of car culture: LOWRIDING “A lowrider is a ride. It’s a car that’s been invested with a person’s heart and soul and made into a piece of art that travels with them.”
Video: How Does Electroplating Work | Reactions | Chemistry | FuseSchool
Learn the basics about electroplating like chrome.
Article: The Dying Art of Pinstriping…on the Cusp of a Renaissance?
Automotive history involves so much more than the development of powerful engines, advanced suspension systems, aerodynamics, and state-of-the-art technology. While those may be the bigger talking points that get the most attention, it’s actually the little moments—the nuances—that give this rich history its context (as well as its staying power) with enthusiasts. One such ‘little…
Resource: “Paint” and “Color” in ASK NATURE
Check out the results from a “paint” search on Ask Nature! https://asknature.org/?s=paint&page=0&is_v=1 Check out the results from a “color” search on Ask Nature! https://asknature.org/?s=color&page=0&is_v=1
Article: Cars will change more in the next decade than they have in the past century
While the look and feel of our cars has changed in the past 100 years, the way we drive them hasn’t. But fundamental change is coming. In the next decade, not only will the way they’re powered and wired have shifted dramatically, but we won’t be the ones driving them anymore. https://theconversation.com/cars-will-change-more-in-the-next-decade-than-they-have-in-the-past-century-113585
Video: Lowrider, Hoppers & Hot Rods: Car Culture of Northern New Mexico
Lowrider documentary by the New Mexico History Museum. This 40 min documentary features interviews with New Mexico Lowriders including Seco Live artist Pam Jaramillo.