Video: Lowriders culture in Brazil – Vida Santa B.C.
Meet a very special Bike Club in Ribeirão Preto – Brazil. When we think of Lowrider’s culture, we quickly connect with Mexico the United States, but in Ribeirão Preto, the countryside of São Paulo, there is a group representing and spreading the Lowriders culture, full of style and respect! Find out how bikes are built…
Here’s A Preview Of The El Paso Museum Of History Presentation Of The “Low & Slow: Lowrider Culture On The Border”
Video: Hydraulics | GCSE Physics | Doodle Science
Doodle Science teaches you high school physics in a less boring way in almost no time!
Video: Electricity Makes This Car Paint Light Up
LumiLor is a spray on paint that illuminates in the dark. It’s not LED light, nor is it glow-in-the-dark paint, but a special kind of paint that turns on and off by reacting to an electric charge. We dive into the characteristics of this bewildering material and meet Andy Zsenko of Darkside Scientific, Inc. who…
Interactive felted textile – Felted capacitive sensors + piano arduino code (lilypad arduino). Project for MIT New Textiles Course 2012.
Video: Why Do Spiders Curl Up When They Die? (spolier: it’s hydraulics!)
When spiders die, their tiny legs curl up tight against their body, because spiders don’t use muscles to extend their legs. Instead, they have hydraulic legs!
Photo Essay: A Visual History of Lowriders
When Mexican American communities of Southern California started the lowriding phenomenon, they were actually giving an automotive update to an old country tradition. https://timeline.com/a-visual-history-of-lowriders-2847be00ac30
Article: A Detailed Explanation Of How Color Changing Paint Works
Color changing car paint easily grabs the attention and has gone in and out of style over the years. True color-shifting paints rely on basic chemical and physical properties to produce a unique effect. https://www.hotcars.com/a-detailed-explanation-of-how-color-changing-paint-works/
Article: Smart Textiles- The Future of the Fabric Industry
Textiles are everywhere – from the clothing we wear, cars we drive, and furniture we occupy to the roads we travel, bandages we use to heal, and structures that shelter us for protection, each fabric is carefully selected for its unique construction and properties. But what if the clothing you wore could monitor your heart…
Article: The Science Of Hitting Switches
Hydraulics and lowriders go hand and hand. It’s to the point where people tend to assume any American car with wire wheels and thin whites has to have hydraulics… http://www.speedhunters.com/2018/07/the-science-of-hitting-switches/