Video: Lowriders Are a Perfect Mesh of Engineering and Craftsmanship
On any single car, you could easily have any, or even all of the following: https://makezine.com/2016/07/01/lowriders-are-a-perfect-mesh-of-engineering-and-craftsmanship/
Video: 6 differences between Pneumatic and Hydraulic (Animation | Sub)
So please take note of that! In this video, we went over the basic concepts and 6 fundamental differences between pneumatics and hydraulics.
Article: Ford looks to geckos to boost the recyclability of its cars
In recent years, the Ford Motor Company has aggressively sought to solve environmental problems related to its products while reducing production costs. Wasted wheat straw often burned by Canadian farmers has been blended into a plastic feature of the Ford Flex to reduce petroleum use. Plastic bottles have been converted into fibers to cover the…
Video: Biomimicry- How cars rip off nature
Engineers, scientists and architects are constantly using inspiration from nature in their quest for innovation and with good reason. Why not cheat and get a couple billion year head start in your design process. On todays episode of B2B, we’re going to look at how nature inspires the auto industry to build not more eye…
Articles: Moral Machines- How culture changes values
When a driver slams on the brakes to avoid hitting a pedestrian crossing the road illegally, she is making a moral decision that shifts risk from the pedestrian to the people in the car. Self-driving cars might soon have to make such ethical judgments on their own — but settling on a universal moral code…
Video: Metals & Ceramics- Crash Course Engineering #19
Today we’ll explore more about two of the three main types of materials that we use as engineers: metals and ceramics. We’ll discuss properties of metals, alloys, ceramics, clay, cement, and glass-ceramic materials. We’ll also look at the applications of our materials with microelectromechanical systems and accelerometers.
Video: What’s the best fuel for your car?
Dig into which fuel— gasoline, electric, biofuels, or electrofuels— is both affordable for consumers and sustainable for the planet.
Video: Why F1 Engines are Built with Sand
Sand printing is similar to 3D printing; layers of 0.25mm thick sand are ‘printed’ onto a jobbox with a layer of chemical binder in between allowing for complex 3D shapes to be made, slice by slice, layer by layer. It’s so good that F1, LMP1, LMP2, WRC, WRX and Moto GP use this tech to…
Article: New study reveals a biological hydraulic system in tuna fins
The unique system of hydraulic control of fins discovered in tuna indicates a new role for the lymphatic system in vertebrates. This natural mechanism may inspire designs for new “smart” control surfaces with changeable shape and stiffness for both air and underwater unmanned vehicles. https://www.naturetoday.com/intl/en/nature-reports/message/?msg=23637
Article: Leg Uses Hydraulics and Muscle Flex
The legs of spiders move using a combination of the hydraulic pressure of body fluid and muscle flex. Smaller spiders (usually those weighing under 3g) use a hydraulic catapult method to move around and catch prey, whereas larger spiders (those weighing over 3g) rely on a combination of a hydraulic catapult and muscle-based contraction. https://asknature.org/strategy/leg-uses-hydraulics-and-muscle-flex/