Experiment: Build your own airbrush – Applying Bernoulli
“Rapidly moving air will be at a lower pressure than when it is stopped. This is called Bernoulli’s principle. So when you blow across the top of the straw, the rapidly moving air is at a lower pressure than the air above the water in your glass.” https://www.thenakedscientists.com/get-naked/experiments/build-your-own-airbrush-applying-bernoulli
Experiment: DIY Cardboard Hydraulic Arm
Hey everyone, we are back with yet another project. An amazingly simple and yet cool one…presenting to you our homemade hydraulic arm made of cardboard and basic material found at home.
Experiment: Hydraulic Battle
Plunge into hydraulics with a pair of dueling syringes. Two different-sized syringes full of water are connected together. Push on one, and feel the force—multiplied—in the other. https://www.exploratorium.edu/snacks/hydraulic-battle
Video: Young Engineers- Easy Hydraulic or Pneumatic Machine – Engineering Projects for Kids
Hydraulic Machine: This is the easiest hydraulic-powered machine to build, and the project idea process is straightforward: create a hydraulic-powered hinge, and then customize its function. And of course, learn about the science and engineering behind hydraulic power!
Video Lesson: Under the hood- The chemistry of cars
There are over one billion cars in the world right now, getting people from point A to point B. But cars aren’t just a mode of transportation; they also teach an excellent lesson in chemistry. Cynthia Chubbuck navigates the intricate chemistry performed in our car engines that keep them from getting too hot or too…
Airbrush Useful For Making Microelectrodes, Not Just Art
The airbrush, that tool behind tattoos and T-shirts, may have an unexpected future… in technology. A group of engineering students have come up with a method for using an airbrush to make microelectrodes — tiny conductors used in an increasing range of consumer, research and medical products. The technique is simpler than the standard one,…
Experiment: Build your own airbrush – Applying Bernoulli
“Rapidly moving air will be at a lower pressure than when it is stopped. This is called Bernoulli’s principle. So when you blow across the top of the straw, the rapidly moving air is at a lower pressure than the air above the water in your glass.” https://www.thenakedscientists.com/get-naked/experiments/build-your-own-airbrush-applying-bernoulli
Experiment: DIY Hopping Lowrider Car From Cardboard | Riviera Lowrider
Hi in this video I am showing how to make a car from cardboard that can hop…
Video: Why Do Spiders Curl Up When They Die? (spolier: it’s hydraulics!)
When spiders die, their tiny legs curl up tight against their body, because spiders don’t use muscles to extend their legs. Instead, they have hydraulic legs!
Experiment: Hydraulic Arm
You’ll feel the pressure to do some heavy lifting.When you push the plunger on a syringe, water is forced into a second syringe, extending its plunger and lifting a mechanical arm. The process illustrates aspects of fluid pressure, force, mechanical work, and biomechanics. https://www.exploratorium.edu/snacks/hydraulic-arm