Video: Lowriders Are a Perfect Mesh of Engineering and Craftsmanship
On any single car, you could easily have any, or even all of the following: https://makezine.com/2016/07/01/lowriders-are-a-perfect-mesh-of-engineering-and-craftsmanship/
Article: A Question of Hardware
Will vehicles in the future be able to repair themselves, aerodynamically adapt to wind conditions or, if necessary, even mutate from a sporty two- into a family friendly six-seater? How smart materials are going to shape the automobile of tomorrow. https://www.schaeffler-tomorrow.com/tomorrow/220/index.html
Article: Five hydraulics technology trends
Innovative new technologies are laying the foundation for the latest hydraulic systems and applications designed for construction, agriculture, mining and power generation. From smart user interfaces to load sensing valve technology to hybrid actuation systems for renewable energy applications, these solutions lead to productivity increases, energy savings and maximised operational efficiency. Here are five key…
Article: Anatomy Of A Lowrider-The Standards, The Art, The Technology
Arevalo is often a judge at competitions and explains that there’s a right way to display a lowrider. The rims and tires have to be authentic. They have to be always clean, always nice. The lowrider has to have hydraulic switches. All of the chrome has been polished and restored. The undercar has to be…
Article: In Search of the Electric Lowrider
As a kid in East L.A., Alvaro Sanchez learned the importance of shade. https://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/2019-5-september-october/faces-clean-energy/search-electric-lowrider
Article: Ford looks to geckos to boost the recyclability of its cars
In recent years, the Ford Motor Company has aggressively sought to solve environmental problems related to its products while reducing production costs. Wasted wheat straw often burned by Canadian farmers has been blended into a plastic feature of the Ford Flex to reduce petroleum use. Plastic bottles have been converted into fibers to cover the…
Video: Biomimicry- How cars rip off nature
Engineers, scientists and architects are constantly using inspiration from nature in their quest for innovation and with good reason. Why not cheat and get a couple billion year head start in your design process. On todays episode of B2B, we’re going to look at how nature inspires the auto industry to build not more eye…
Video Lesson: Under the hood- The chemistry of cars
There are over one billion cars in the world right now, getting people from point A to point B. But cars aren’t just a mode of transportation; they also teach an excellent lesson in chemistry. Cynthia Chubbuck navigates the intricate chemistry performed in our car engines that keep them from getting too hot or too…
Airbrush Useful For Making Microelectrodes, Not Just Art
The airbrush, that tool behind tattoos and T-shirts, may have an unexpected future… in technology. A group of engineering students have come up with a method for using an airbrush to make microelectrodes — tiny conductors used in an increasing range of consumer, research and medical products. The technique is simpler than the standard one,…
Video Lesson: How do self-driving cars “see”?
It’s late, pitch dark and a self-driving car winds down a narrow country road. Suddenly, three hazards appear at the same time. With no human at the wheel, the car uses smart eyes, sensors that’ll resolve these details all in a split-second. How is this possible? Sajan Saini explains how LIDAR and integrated photonics technology…