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  • Teacher Tool: Middle School Engineering Design

    “By the time students reach middle school they should have had numerous experiences in engineering design. The goal for middle school students is to define problems more precisely, to conduct a more thorough process of choosing the best solution, and to optimize the final design. “ https://www.nextgenscience.org/sites/default/files/MS%20ETS%20topics%20combined%206.12.13.pdf

  • Teacher Tool: High School Engineering Design

    At the high school level students are expected to engage with major global issues at the interface of science, technology, society and the environment, and to bring to bear the kinds of analytical and strategic thinking that prior training and increased maturity make possible. As in prior levels, these capabilities can be thought of in three stages—defining the problem,…

  • Teacher Tool Video: ETS1.B: Developing Possible Solutions

    In this video Paul Andersen explains how many possible solutions are developed in the design process.  As many solutions to the problem are identified using a brainstorming process.  These solutions are compared to the specific constraints and criteria of the solution.  Models are created to test the viability of each solution.  A K-12 teaching progression…

  • Teacher Tool Video: ETS1.A: Defining Engineering Problems

    In this video Paul Andersen explains the first step in the design process, defining and delimiting the engineering problem.  Design requires a clear definition of the problem and this is done by addressing both the constraints and criteria of each solution.  This will become increasingly important as future problems require complex solutions.  A K-12 teaching…

  • Teacher Tool Video: ETS2A – Interdependence of Science, Engineering and TechnologyETS2A – Interdependence of Science, Engineering and Technology

    In this video Paul Andersen explains how science is dependent upon engineering which is dependent upon science which is dependent up engineering which is dependent upon science which is dependent up engineering which is dependent upon science which is dependent up engineering. . .     A K-12 teaching progression is also included. https://thewonderofscience.com/videos/2017/12/12/ets2a-interdependence-of-science-engineering-and-technology

  • Teacher Tool Video: ETS2B – Influence of Science, Engineering and Technology on Society and the Natural World

    In this video Paul Andersen explains how society influences the natural world through increasing science, engineering and technology.  As the world population increases it will require more natural resources and it will impact the global conditions.  Society can control some of these changes through regulations.  A K-12 teaching progression is also included. https://thewonderofscience.com/videos/2017/12/12/ets2b-influence-of-science-engineering-and-technology-on-society-and-the-natural-world

  • Teacher Tool: NGSS Standards

    For more information from the Next Generation Science Standards see the attached PDFs. “The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) represent a commitment to integrate engineering design into the structure of science education by raising engineering design to thesame level as scientific inquiry when teaching science disciplines at all levels, from kindergarten to grade 12. There are both practical and inspirational reasons for including engineering design as an essential element…

  • Teacher Tool: NGSS Standards

    For more information from the Next Generation Science Standards see the attached PDFs. “The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) represent a commitment to integrate engineering design into the structure of science education by raising engineering design to thesame level as scientific inquiry when teaching science disciplines at all levels, from kindergarten to grade 12. There are both practical and inspirational reasons for including engineering design as an essential element…

  • Article: Body Shape Influences Stability and Maneuverability

    The shape of the boxfish controls water flow around the body to influence stability and maneuverability. https://asknature.org/strategy/body-shape-influences-stability-and-maneuverability/

  • Artist: Orlando Martinez

    Articles: Betting Big On This 1983 Monte Carlo That’s Remained In A Constant State Of Change Introduced in 1970 and touted as the “personal luxury car,” this custom 1983 Chevy Monte Carlo is the epitome of that label. The car derived its name from the famous city in Monaco and has since become a piece…

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