Here’s A Preview Of The El Paso Museum Of History Presentation Of The “Low & Slow: Lowrider Culture On The Border”
Artist/Curator: Toby Morfin
The city of Española wanted a lowrider-inspired art show the day before the big Lowrider magazine sanctioned car show in New Mexico. The city decided to sponsor the location, and ultimately chose Toby Morfin as the curator because of his knowledge in the lowrider art scene. Social Media: TobyMorfin on Instgram https://www.instagram.com/tobymorfinart/?hl=en Toby Morfin on…
Video: Hydraulics | GCSE Physics | Doodle Science
Doodle Science teaches you high school physics in a less boring way in almost no time!
Artist: Susan Guevara
One of the New York Times 10 Best Illustrated Books of the Year, 2005 “…Susan Guevara just gets more and more creative with every Chato book she illustrates…with “Chato Goes Cruisin’” she’s hit her peak. she’s grown so comfortable with her art that she’s willing to shake it up a bit for the sake of…
Artist: El Moises
Social media: https://www.facebook.com/ChicanoPop/ Articles: Growing up in the Southwest, the soon-to-be artist named Moises would gain a love for the Chicano cultural and scene at an early age. It helped a lot that his father used to work on cars and paint lowriders too. That in itself would give him the opportunity to look at…
Video: Electricity Makes This Car Paint Light Up
LumiLor is a spray on paint that illuminates in the dark. It’s not LED light, nor is it glow-in-the-dark paint, but a special kind of paint that turns on and off by reacting to an electric charge. We dive into the characteristics of this bewildering material and meet Andy Zsenko of Darkside Scientific, Inc. who…
Interactive felted textile – Felted capacitive sensors + piano arduino code (lilypad arduino). Project for MIT New Textiles Course 2012.
Video: Why Do Spiders Curl Up When They Die? (spolier: it’s hydraulics!)
When spiders die, their tiny legs curl up tight against their body, because spiders don’t use muscles to extend their legs. Instead, they have hydraulic legs!
Photo Essay: A Visual History of Lowriders
When Mexican American communities of Southern California started the lowriding phenomenon, they were actually giving an automotive update to an old country tradition. https://timeline.com/a-visual-history-of-lowriders-2847be00ac30
Artist: Joey Montoya
Daman-Grafix https://www.deviantart.com/daman-grafix/about#about Daman-Grafix Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYOH1LhvO8veF5X1dnJtajw Articles: Market Daze “Before, the only airbrush art you really saw was on lowrider cars and T-shirts. Now I believe there are three or four people including myself in the market who do either airbrush, spray paint or something that isn’t typical oil, acrylic, bristle brush,” the 33-year-old says.…