What is a sensor?
What is a sensor? Wikipedia definition
How does GPS work?
Simple explanation of how GPS works with satellites https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/gps/en/
How Does a Motion Sensing Circuit Work?
Well done You Tube video showing how a motion sensor works. Motion sensor How it Works
Arduino open sourcing imagination
In the TED Talk How Arduino is Open-sourcing Imagination, Massimo Banzi explains how Arduino sensors are being used to creatively hack daily life. Arduino open sourcing imagination
Twitter Mood Light – the World’s Mood in a Box
In this DIY activity the Arduino connects directly to any wireless network via the WiFly module, continually searches Twitter for tweets with emotional content, collates the tweets for each emotion, does some math, and then fades the color of the LED to reflect the current World Mood; Red for Anger, Yellow for Happy, Pink for Love,…
Cool Arduino DIY Projects
The Arduino microcontroller has a nearly limitless array of innovative applications for everything from robotics and lighting, to games and gardening! It’s a fun way to automate everything, enabling you to control simple devices or manage complex Halloween displays. Here are some of the best do-it-yourself Arduino technology projects to educate and inspire you to…
Generative Art – Computers, Data, and Humanity
What is generative art? In the PBS OffBook video Generative Art – Computers, Data, and Humanity, generative artists show how they use data and computers to make art that whole or in part was created using an autonomous system. https://www.pbs.org/video/off-book-off-book-generative-art-computers-data-and-humanity/
Computing Gives an Artist New Tools to be Creative
This article talks about three computing tools creative artists use to make art: access to information, software, and new ways to interact. Computing Gives an Artist New Tools to be Creative
Making GPS Art: Draw It, Walk It, Log It, Display It!
Students design their own logos, pictures or other graphic images and then use handheld GPS receivers to map them out. They write out the image on a field or playground, walk the route, and log GPS data. Displaying the collected data on the GPS receiver screen results in the finished artwork. The process requires students…