Kinetic Sculpture defined – From Goodbye-Art Academy
A series giving you all the definitions of popular art terms accompanied with visuals to help you better understand the terms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlBCdaWsSWM
Maker Profile – Fire Sculpture on MAKE: television
These women are fired up: The Flaming Lotus Girls, a women-centric maker collaborative, creates gargantuan, fierce, flame-breathing sculptures. This popular Bay Area organization boasts diverse membership, welcoming members from all backgrounds. Whether theyre artists, lawyers, mothers or scientists, all Flaming Lotus Girls share two things in common: a desire to get their hands dirty, and…
Sanela Jahic – Fire Painting, Responsive Kinetic Sculpture 2010
The robotic construction in “Fire Painting” sets off explosive levels of kerosene. Its burning can be handled by subtle movements of the sensory data glove for tactile formulation of the fiery image. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lF8_3RE-x68
Art-O-Motion 2 – Kinetic Sculpture Lesson Plan
Encompassing a wide variety of techniques and styles, Kinetic Art is designed to incorporate motion. Movement may be caused by touch, by wind currents, by water flow, or by mechanical means. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc_6Xo2N1mg