Ryon Gesink Tag: strength

  • Researcher seeks to make stronger materials with composites

    We extract iron ore from the ground, treat it, convert it to steel and then use it in many applications that demand its strength, rigidity and durability. But as with all engineers, Allison Beese, assistant professor or Materials Science and Engineering wants to make a better materials with the use of composites.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngupmcXm0uY

  • Tensile Test Experiment

    One material property that is widely used and recognized is the strength of a material. But what does the word “strength” mean? “Strength” can have many meanings, so let us take a closer look at what is meant by the strength of a material. In this lesson we will look at a very easy experiment…

  • The Strength of Steel: Why Shipping Containers Hold up in Structures

    This article by Falcon Structures discusses the science of the strength of steel. https://www.falconstructures.com/blog/the-strength-of-steel-why-shipping-containers-hold-up-in-structures

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