Space Messengers Tags: Exploration

  • How NASA Engineers Use Origami To Design Future Spacecraft (video)

    NASA is using origami to build a giant star blocker, in hopes of imaging distant worlds. Check out a origami model starshede here:

  • 10 Reasons Why Space Exploration Matters to You (Article)

    Those who’ve long dreamed of humans becoming a truly spacefaring race argue that exploring space provides down-to-earth benefits in areas such as health, mining and security. And more inspirational benefits, too. Here are some of the most compelling arguments for continuing the exploration of space.

  • Space is Full of Junk. Here’s How to Clean It Up…

    We know pollution is a problem on earth, but we’re filling space with our junk too. And if we don’t figure out a way to clean up space junk, we could end our interstellar dreams before they even get started. Today, we’re visiting some cool engineers in Switzerland to learn about the space junk problem…

  • Why trash in space is a major problem with no clear fix (Article)

    There’s a lot of trash on the Moon right now – including nearly 100 bags of human waste – and with countries around the globe traveling to the Moon, there’s going to be a lot more, both on the lunar surface and in Earth’s orbit.

  • The Importance of Human Space Exploration

    Is the idea of humans venturing into space a frivolous waste of time and resources? No! It’s about more than just sending people into space. It’s about pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, and using that knowledge to improve life on Earth. From developing new technologies that solve problems on Earth, to inspiring future generations…

  • What Is a Spacesuit? Grades 5-8 (article)

    A spacesuit is much more than a set of clothes astronauts wear on spacewalks. A fully equipped spacesuit is really a one-person spacecraft. The formal name for the spacesuit used on the space shuttle and International Space Station is the Extravehicular Mobility Unit, or EMU. “Extravehicular” means outside of the vehicle or spacecraft. “Mobility” means…


    Video production and animation by OMAi Space Messengers is a ‘mixed reality’ installation that explores the impact of science and technologies on our societies, our planet and our universe. In a choreographed site specific large-scale projection, ‘space’ messages and voices of the youth are displayed along with their body silhouettes on to buildings. Animated earth/space…

  • White Paper: Ethical Exploration and the Role of Planetary Protection in Disrupting Colonial Practices

    “All of humanity is a stakeholder in how we, the planetary science and astrobiology community, engage with other worlds. Violent colonial practices and structures– genocide, land appropriation, resource extraction, environmental devastation,and more– have governed exploration of Earth, and if not actively dismantled, will define the methodologies and mind set we carry forward into space exploration.…

  • Video: What’s The Smallest Thing In The Universe?

    “If you were to take a coffee cup, and break it in half, then in half again, and keep carrying on, where would you end up? Could you keep on going forever? Or would you eventually find a set of indivisible building blocks out of which everything is made? Jonathan Butterworth explains the Standard Model…

  • Video: We Decoded NASA’s Messages To Aliens By Hand

    “In 1977, twin golden records were sent into space on the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft. Still sailing through space at nearly 60,000 km per hour, the records contain sound, songs, and images from earth. But how did NASA include images on an analog record? Here, we decoded the audio, and see the images the…

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