Space Messengers Tags: light festival

  • Kernel Festival 2021

    Since 2011 Kernel has been promoting technological experiments and artistic expressions that involve the public in new and immersive experiences capable of enhancing urban places of symbolic, artistic and cultural value. Kernel creates opportunities for internationally known artists and young talents called to interact in the interpretation of the public space with their artistic visions.…

  • International Light Festivals Organization

    ILO, international Light Festivals Organization, is a worldwide network of public light festivals, public light events and light art experts. It is an alliance of light festivals and experts sharing expertise, inspiration and information on an international level, encouraging networking and exchange of knowledge, experience and information and creating a platform for co-production, research and…

  • Festival of Lights

    Each year in October, Berlin turns into a city full of light art. The artful displays on the famous landmarks, monuments, buildings and places are turning the FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS into one of the best known light art festivals in the world.

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