NASA Tribal Consultation and Coordination (resource)
NASA is committed to recognizing and respecting the sovereignty of Indian nations, their rights to self-determination and self-governance, and to fulfilling federal trust responsibilities through environmental stewardship, consideration of the communities surrounding NASA facilities, and the protection and preservation of tribal rights, lands, and resources.
NOVA Elements (resource)
If you ever thought the periodic table was a boring collection of elements that has nothing to do with your life, this app will show you otherwise. “NOVA Elements” lets you explore an interactive periodic table, build the elements, play a game hosted by technology columnist David Pogue, and watch the two-hour NOVA program, “Hunting…
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (resource)
The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) works to help all countries, especially developing countries, access and leverage the benefits of space to accelerate sustainable development. We work toward this goal through a variety of activities that cover all aspects related to space, from space law to space applications. https://www.unoosa.org/oosa/en/aboutus/roles-responsibilities.html
View Space (resource/interactives)
ViewSpace gives you the opportunity to explore our planet, solar system, galaxy, and universe. Provided free with the support of NASA, ViewSpace is developed by a team of scientists, educators, and communication specialists who collaborate to ensure that content is accurate, up-to-date, engaging, relevant, and accessible to a wide audience. ViewSpace interactives allow you to…
How to Make a Human (Infographic)
Here is a handy visual of what’s inside the human body. Of what makes us, well, us. While it may seem rather simple to measure all the various parts of a human, it’s really quite complicated. This is primarily because there are a number of ways that you can measure what makes a human a human.…
Tech Tool: OpenFrameWorks
OpenFrameworks is an open source C++ toolkit for Creative Coding. and is featired in the Space Messenger Space Board- an interactive platform for communication, art installation and messaging across boarders and space. https://openframeworks.cc/
Resource: Space Audio
“These are the “sounds of space” collected by UIowa instruments on various spacecraft.” https://space-audio.org/
Resource: NASA Visualization Studio
“Explore the latest visualizations of NASA’s Earth Observing satellites and the data they collect. NASA researchers are constantly tracking remote-sensing data and modeling processes to better understand our home planet.” https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/Gallery/WhatsNewwithEarthToday.html
Resource: Astronomer’s Toolbox
How do we know what we know? Check out this NASA resourse to help explore the questions of our universe including topics of light, the electromagnetic spectrum, and other messengers from space like gravitational waves and cosmic rays. https://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/science/toolbox/toolbox.html
Resource: Artful Tools
Artist Everest Pipkin’s “Open source, experimental, and tiny tools roundup” includes both “standards” and “artful tools and toys that are as fun to use as they are functional.” https://github.com/everestpipkin/tools-list