Space Messengers Tags: Tech Tools

  • Spacecraft AR and other Augmented Reality Content (Resource)

    List of NASA mixed reality projects.

  • Tech Tool: The New Tagtool

    A multiplayer Tagtool session by Maki, Gnu and iink. Tagtool by OMAi transforms a multitouch tablet into a visual live instrument for live painting and animation. Find out more at!

  • Tech Tool: OpenFrameWorks

    OpenFrameworks is an open source C++ toolkit for Creative Coding. and is featired in the Space Messenger Space Board- an interactive platform for communication, art installation and messaging across boarders and space.

  • Tech Tool: Isadora

    “Isadora lets your imagination run wild. Whether you are an artist, a designer, a technician or a student, and you need to weave together video, audio and other media, ISADORA is ready to serve your creative impulses. Our software combines the video and audio processing engine of a media server with a hyper-flexible visual programming…

  • Resource: Tagtool Youtube Channel

    “Tagtool turns your iPad into an intuitive live instrument for painting and animation. Team up with other artists in a shared visual universe, and beam your animated artwork to a TV or projector.” This Youtube channel includes tutorials, Tagtool projects, workshops and more!

  • Resource: Artful Tools

    Artist Everest Pipkin’s “Open source, experimental, and tiny tools roundup” includes both “standards” and “artful tools and toys that are as fun to use as they are functional.”

STEMarts lab