Space Messengers Tags: Thinking

  • How can science fiction predict the future?

    “Would you like to know what’s in our future? What’s going to happen to humanity tomorrow, next year, or even a millennium from now? Well, you’re not alone. Everyone from governments to military to industry leaders do as well, and they all employ people – called ‘futurists’ – who attempt to forecast the future. Roey…

  • AfroFuturism

    “Afrofuturism addresses themes and concerns of the African diaspora through technoculture and speculative fiction, encompassing a range of media and artists with a shared interest in envisioning black futures that stem from Afro-diasporic experiences.”

  • A Tool for exploring plausible, probable, possible and preferred futures

    “The future has the potential to unfold in many ways and exploring those possibilities can be overwhelming. The cone of plausibility is one tool that can help guide those explorations. It was first created in 1988 to help explore geopolitical scenarios, but what makes this tool especially useful is that it can be used to…

  • 55 Depictions Of How People In The Past Envisioned Life Now

    “From family flying saucer rides to domestic living on the lunar surface, these gorgeous retrofuturism illustrations reveal how previous generations thought their future might look.“

STEMarts lab