Universal Raisin Cake Theory Tag: Astronomy

  • Where stars come from / Elf Eldridge

    Sciblogs brings together the best science bloggers in the country on one website, creating a hub for scientific analysis and discussion and facilitating reader interaction (Sciblogs, 2012). Just So Science… A Star is Born by Elf Elfridge tells the story of star formation. This article provides information relevant to the background research that relates to Alyce’s Universal Raisin…

  • Scienceworks – Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Another comprehensive resource including notes, lesson plans and links from Melbourne’s Planetarium. The whole kit comprises 20 activities for students with great ideas to explore – why not try their expanding universe activity or look for a big bang simulation or galaxy formation.

  • Hubble – Amazing Space

    The Amazing Space Web site uses the latest revelations from the Hubble Space Telescope to create materials suitable for K-12. students. You can find Hubble-themed exhibits, video, images, film and expertise for museums, planetariums, science centers or similar venues using their Hubble source link. Their are online explorations, the latest news Star Witness News with easy to understand articles and graphics and teaching…

  • Scienceworks – Stars

    Scienceworks offers an exciting range of experiences for students and teachers, linked with Melbourne, Australia’s Planatarium Stars – This comprehensive education kit contains resources for Years 7-12 students (teachers and student resources) focussing on stars and other features of the Universe beyond the Solar System. There are teachers notes and students activities and loads more links too.

STEMarts lab