Universal Raisin Cake Theory Tag: View All

  • Alyce Santoro’s tips for artists

    This short video originally for graduates of RISD gives Alyce’s tips for artists, from noting your ideas to promoting your work. The RISD Connect site shares 14 artists’ tips / career advice and motivation to help you continue to make art work. This is a useful motivational tool with a diverse range of practicing artists giving…

  • Where stars come from / Elf Eldridge

    Sciblogs brings together the best science bloggers in the country on one website, creating a hub for scientific analysis and discussion and facilitating reader interaction (Sciblogs, 2012). Just So Science… A Star is Born by Elf Elfridge tells the story of star formation. This article provides information relevant to the background research that relates to Alyce’s Universal Raisin…

  • Scienceworks – Astronomy and Astrophysics

    Another comprehensive resource including notes, lesson plans and links from Melbourne’s Planetarium. The whole kit comprises 20 activities for students with great ideas to explore – why not try their expanding universe activity or look for a big bang simulation or galaxy formation.

  • Build your own Sonic Fabric reader

    This short video is a step-by-step guide you through building your own Sonic Fabric Reader from an old walkman. The video is accompanied by a downloadable instructive graphic by Anat / DayDream Graphics The guide is simple and easy to follow but the hardest part maybe finding an old walkman and getting some sonic fabric! There’s also a short film about…

  • Make a book

    Alyce Santoro shared the link to this simple step-by-step guide on how to make an eight page book.You can try it with their examples as they generously offer 8 free artists books, an exhibition of artists’ books for you to download and assemble. Eight artists give you their work, absolutely free.Print them, make them, and spread them…

  • Teresa Georgallis

    Jotta spotlight on Royal College of Art graduate Teresa Georgallis’ beautiful woven fabric collection is inspired by sound frequencies. Listen to her latest work SOUNDTEXT, a sound piece which uses recordings of the rhythmic noises produced by a Jacquard loom. Jacquard Looms operate on computer software, which enables designers to reproduce complex imagery into cloth. You…

  • Audacity – Free audio editing software & tutorials

    Audacity is a free, easy-to-use and multilingual audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. Audacity is free software, developed by a group of volunteers and distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) You can use Audacity to: Audacity has a good help page and supportive forum that includes tutorials, tips and its own wiki. The…

  • Hubble – Amazing Space

    The Amazing Space Web site uses the latest revelations from the Hubble Space Telescope to create materials suitable for K-12. students. You can find Hubble-themed exhibits, video, images, film and expertise for museums, planetariums, science centers or similar venues using their Hubble source link. Their are online explorations, the latest news Star Witness News with easy to understand articles and graphics and teaching…

  • SMART Materials

    SMART Materials respond to environmental stimuli, with changes in variables such as light, sounds, touch, temperature, electric and are also called responsive materials. Products increasingly use them with imaginative designers seeing increasing potential to create ever more creative solutions to their design problems.  Smart Materials Research is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research…

  • Musique Concrete

    Musique Concrete is the experimental technique of musical composition using recorded sounds as raw material. The principle uses the assemblage of various natural sounds to produce an aural montage. A precursor to the use of electronically generated sound, musique concrete was among the earliest uses of electronic means to extend the composer’s sound resources. Before the…

STEMarts lab