THE Port at CERN meets Taos Artist Matt Thomas

During my residency at CERN in March I met Ines Knaepper and Danial Dobos. They had recently launched an innovative project called THE Port, whose mission is to “combine creative minds from CERN and non-profit organisations in interdisciplinary teams to work on humanitarian technology related benefits to society.” They shared their project goals and expressed that they were not getting as many artists applying as they would like to see and asked if I had any ideas or could help.

Coming from Taos, where we have more artists per square mile than sagebrush, I said sure we could help.  Synchronistically, Daniel happened to be in Santa Fe for a conference a few months later and we met up in Taos, along with Matt Thomas, so we could discuss the possibilities of a STEMarts/PASEO/THE Port partnership.

Well within minutes of hearing what it was all about Matt was ready to sign up to represent Taos for this years project at THE Port.  He had to go through a rigorous application process which you can see by the caliber of projects and participants on the site, and I am so excited to announce that he has been accepted!  You can see his face if you click on Teams>Pier 31 line-up.

That means Matt is heading to Geneva Switzerland to work with his team on the following topic.

“Often there is a need for the rapid deployment of robust and secure housing for humanitarian relief. At the same time many natural disasters create enormous amounts of debris. It’s removal has high priority as it hinders humanitarian help. Currently tents and temporary shelters are transported as needed but could 3D printed technologies replace or supplement it? Could 3D printing be used for further use cases in refugee camps?”

Good luck Matt!

One of the goals of the STEMarts Lab@The PASEO is to bring international opportunities like this to the Taos community. Next year we will nominate more artists to apply so if you are interested please contact us.




Our Partners

Stemarts Lab is proudly a W.A.G.E. Certified Institution

Thank You To Our Sponsors

STEMarts projects are made possible in part by the Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund for U.S. Alumni; an opportunity sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and administered by Partners of the Americas. This project is supported in part by New Mexico Arts, a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs, and by the National Endowment for the Arts.

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