What to do with your old Mobile Phone? This is Brazilian artist Lucas Bambozzi’s solution – what could you do?
Mobile Crash – ‘four big projections in a room, with its respective direct audio. Once the viewer enters the space the system detects his/her direction and would respond accordingly, by playing a series of video sequences in the related screen. Once inside the room, one would just point to one of the four screens to make it respond by triggering the videos.
The interface, specially developed for the work has proved to be very intuitive (the premiére was at Geografias Celulares, curated by Marcus Bastos at the Espacio Fundación Telefonica, in Buenos Aires). The images, edited in a rhythmic and increasingly noisier sequence (up to 12 levels), show technologic devices, mainly mobile phones, being smashed by a hammer‘ (Clarissa Ribeiro, 2010)
You can read more about Mobile Crash in Buenos Aires and the making of Mobile Crash.
Also you can see how the piece has evolved 2 years on at the 2012 Zero Biennial.