The use of electromagnetic waves in Art

Escape, 2012 exploits modern digital communications that rely on electromagnetic waves to function sending and receiving signals by pulsing electromagnetic waves. The received signals  are converted to voltages that the Arduino can process to make the wings or other parts of the birds move (Marion, 2012).

Electromagetic waves are exploited in a number of ways by those in the arts.

1. The Smithsonian has produced a comprehensive lesson plan to explain how electromagnetic waves are used in Art Conservation.

2. Armin Medosch – The Next layer has written on the exhibitions –  Waves in Riga (2006) Dortmond (2008),Bringing together about 40 international works of (media) art by 70 artists from 18 different countries, in which electromagnetic waves are seen not just as carriers of information, but as the material and/or theme of the artwork. (A. Medosch, 2012). 

3.  Invisible Fields is a major international exhibition that took place from 14 October – 4 March 2012 at Arts Santa Monica in Barcelona Spain. The show brought together over a dozen internationally known artists, designers and scientists to explore the radio spectrum – the invisible environment that underpins contemporary technology. Co-curated by José Luis de Vicente and Lighthouse, director Honor Harger, the show included significant works by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Trevor Paglen, Timo Arnall, Joyce Hinterding and many more. It was presented in the Laboratory space of Arts Santa Mònica directed by Josep Perelló (The Lighthouse, accessed 2012).

4. Imagine the Universe – NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre – overview of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

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