Here are some Open Educational Resources recommended on the OER Commons site. You can use these resources to inspire you, in addition to your own lesson plans or to add variety and explore different approaches. Created by educators for educators you can contribute and share your own knowledge or those you come across.
Common Core Reference Collection: Common Core implementation plans, transition guides, assessment tasks, exemplars and curriculum, indexed from across the U.S.
Common Core Aligned Resources: K-12 resources aligned to the Common Core State Standards. Add your resource quality ratings and comments.
Arts Integration: Arts-integrated learning across the disciplines asks students to develop capacity to reflect on what they are learning and use new knowledge to interpret and create works of art.
Science as Inquiry: Active exploration and problem posing in which students see themselves as scientists in the process of learning as they plan and carry out investigations.
General Ed and Pre-College Courses: High enrollment, general education and pre-college courses to lower textbook costs for students, to improve college completion rates, and as frameworks on which to build your own online or blended courses