How do I create my own QR code right now?
Creating a QR Code is easy. This site offers QR code generation without any redirects. You just enter your URL, message or other content and it creates a QR Code graphic which you can download. To view the code download a QR reader app to your mobile, hit the can code button, and it will take…
What do you mean by STEM + Arts?
When we use the term STEM +Arts we are referring to art making that develops science, technology, engineering and/or math skills in the process. We use the term for the ISEA2012 Education Program to encourage creative interdisciplinary approaches to learning that will motivate and engage our youth. More on STEM and related acronyms.
What is the Intel Education Day?
Intel Education Day of the conference is on Sunday, September 23, 2012, and will offer a day of education presentations, teacher training and youth activities focused on STEM Education. It is part of the ISEA2012 Education Program sponsored by Intel, which aims to expose youth and teachers in New Mexico to electronic arts through a progressive series…
What is the STEMArts approach?
STEMArts refers to an integral approach to teaching/learning that encourages a collaborative exchange between the arts (visual, literary, humanities, performing, etc.) and the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). The STEMArts project is an experimental research project founded by Agnes Chavez in 2009. The project was piloted at Taos Academy thanks to LANL CPO and a LANL Small Grant.