LIGO Detects Gravitational Waves (video)
After a decades-long quest, The MIT-Caltech collaboration LIGO Laboratories has detected gravitational waves, opening a new era in our exploration of the universe.
Voyage into the world of atoms (video)
This animation shows the structure of matter at smaller and smaller scales. Zooming into a human hair, we pass through hair cells, fibril structures, keratin molecules, Carbon atoms, nuclei, neutrons, protons, and finally quarks. The Standard Model explains how the basic building blocks of matter interact, governed by four fundamental forces. Find out more: http://home.cern/…/physi…/standard-model
How Animals and People See the World Differently | National Geographic (video)
Scientists may understand how the eye works, but seeing what other animals see is another matter entirely. Learn how eyes evolved, and find out which animal’s eye biologist Tom Cronin would look through if he had the chance.
How Your Eyes Make Sense of the World | Decoder (video)
How does the eye work exactly? In the latest video from Decoder, learn some of the extraordinary science behind how your eyes and brain work together to perceive the world around you.
How to Make a Human (Infographic)
Here is a handy visual of what’s inside the human body. Of what makes us, well, us. While it may seem rather simple to measure all the various parts of a human, it’s really quite complicated. This is primarily because there are a number of ways that you can measure what makes a human a human.…
Elements of the Periodic Table (interactive)
This Interactive website explores the elements of the Periodic Table. Check out Body Chemistry! http://www2.open.ac.uk/openlearn/periodictablephase2/main.html
Cosmic Ingredients Neil deGrasse Tyson (video)
Neil deGrasse Tyson compares our body chemistry to the rest of the universe.
The Most Astounding Fact – Neil deGrasse Tyson (video)
Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked by a reader of TIME magazine, “What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?” This is his answer.
NASA Spinoff (resource)
Since 1976, Spinoff has profiled technologies that benefit from NASA investment and expertise. These developments have transformed into commercial products and services that are used throughout daily life, from your cell phone camera to the memory foam in your mattress. We feature dozens of these success stories annually online and in our print publication, demonstrating…
The Hunt for Life Beyond Earth (article)
One of the oldest questions may be answered in our lifetimes. Are we alone? National Geographic explores. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/astrobiology/