Tech Tool: Isadora
“Isadora lets your imagination run wild. Whether you are an artist, a designer, a technician or a student, and you need to weave together video, audio and other media, ISADORA is ready to serve your creative impulses. Our software combines the video and audio processing engine of a media server with a hyper-flexible visual programming…
TEACHER TOOL: Futures Literacy
“The term Futures Literacy mimics the idea of reading and writing literacy because it is a skill that everyone can and should acquire. And it is a skill that is within everyone’s reach. People can become more skilled at ‘using-the-future’, more ‘futures literate’, because of two facts. One is that the future does not yet…
Sound Properties: Amplitude, period, frequency, wavelength
How to find the amplitude, period, frequency, and wavelength for a sound wave. Created by David SantoPietro. https://www.khanacademy.org/science/high-school-physics/x2a2d643227022488:waves/introduction-to-sound/v/sound-properties-amplitude-period-frequency-wavelength
Rick Hill: What is Indigenous knowledge?
“Rick Hill (Tuscarora) is an artist, writer and curator who lives at the Six Nations Community of the Grand River Territory in Ontario, Canada. Over the years, Rick has served as the Manager of the Indian Art Centre, Ottawa, Ontario; Director of the Indian Museum at the Institute of American Arts in Santa Fe, NM;…
RESOURCE: Transforming the Future Anticipation in the 21st Century
“This book presents the results of significant research undertaken by UNESCO with a number of partners to detect and define the theory and practice of anticipation around the world today. It uses the concept of ‘Futures Literacy’ as a tool to define the understanding of anticipatory sustems and processes…” https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/oa-edit/10.4324/9781351048002/transforming-future-riel-miller
Resource: Tagtool Youtube Channel
“Tagtool turns your iPad into an intuitive live instrument for painting and animation. Team up with other artists in a shared visual universe, and beam your animated artwork to a TV or projector.” This Youtube channel includes tutorials, Tagtool projects, workshops and more! https://www.youtube.com/c/tagtool/videos
Resource: Star Stories
“Our Universes, an inaugural exhibition of the National Museum of the American Indian, focuses on indigenous cosmologies—worldviews and philosophies related to the creation and order of the universe—and the spiritual relationship between humankind and the natural world. Organized around the solar year, the exhibition introduces visitors to indigenous peoples from across the Western Hemisphere who…
Resource: Space Audio
“These are the “sounds of space” collected by UIowa instruments on various spacecraft.” https://space-audio.org/
Resource: NASA Visualization Studio
“Explore the latest visualizations of NASA’s Earth Observing satellites and the data they collect. NASA researchers are constantly tracking remote-sensing data and modeling processes to better understand our home planet.” https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/Gallery/WhatsNewwithEarthToday.html
Resource: European Space Agency
“The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world.” https://www.esa.int/