Archives: Space messengers Wikis

  • Resource: DNA Building Blocks Can Be Made In Space

    “NASA-funded researchers have evidence that some building blocks of DNA, the molecule that carries the genetic instructions for life, found in meteorites were likely created in space. The research gives support to the theory that a “kit” of ready-made parts created in space and delivered to Earth by meteorite and comet impacts assisted the origin…

  • Resource: Astronomer’s Toolbox

    How do we know what we know? Check out this NASA resourse to help explore the questions of our universe including topics of light, the electromagnetic spectrum, and other messengers from space like gravitational waves and cosmic rays.

  • Resource: Artful Tools

    Artist Everest Pipkin’s “Open source, experimental, and tiny tools roundup” includes both “standards” and “artful tools and toys that are as fun to use as they are functional.”

  • Re-Imagine the future

    “From flying cars to lab-grown food, we love thinking about what delights the future will bring. But futurist Angela Oguntala suggests that, in fact, these pop-culture benchmarks create a blinkered vision of the future. In her talk, Oguntala urges us to reach further and push for true innovation. – TEDXCopenhagen

  • Radio and Plasma Wave Science, or RPWS, instrument

    “They surveyed and sniffed, analyzed and scrutinized. They took stunning images in various visible spectra. Cassini’s 12 science instruments were designed to carry out sophisticated scientific studies of Saturn, from collecting data in multiple regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, to studying dust particles, to characterizing Saturn’s plasma environment and magnetosphere.”

  • Projection Mapping

    “Projection Mapping uses everyday video projectors, but instead of projecting on a flat screen (e.g. to display a PowerPoint), light is mapped onto any surface, turning common objects of any 3D shape into interactive displays. More formally, projection mapping is “the display of an image on a non-flat or non-white surface”. _PMC (Now Lightform)  More from…

  • Picturing particles

    “Particle physicists study a field that is, by its very nature, invisible to the naked eye,” says Riccardo-Maria Bianchi, who works on ATLAS visualisation software. “That can make the task of visualising particle interactions very challenging.”

  • PDF: Biodiversity from Space

    Mapping and quantifying biodiversity is key to effective conservation planning, yet gathering the necessary data can be costly and time-consuming. Conservationists and land managers therefore place a premium on methods, such as remote sensing, that yield tolerable estimates of biodiversity in the absence of exhaustive ground surveys. Bawa et al. have tested a method of estimating…

  • Now is the best time to embrace the futures: SDGs success depends on strategic foresight

    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are now underway and UN country teams face the huge task of implementing them. So, who will get the best outcomes by 2030? My money is on countries that use strategic foresight. This blog will explain why, and how.

  • Neil deGrasse Tyson on Van Gogh’s “Starry Night”

    “Neil deGrasse Tyson loves himself some Vincent van Gogh. Specifically his painting “Starry Night.” Neil shows off his fandom of Starry Night and tells us why he loves the painting so much, including why the title “Starry Night” is so important and how van Gogh invoked emotion by painting how reality felt instead of how…

STEMarts lab