Archives: Space messengers Wikis

  • Article: NASA Fosters Innovative Ways to Understand Biodiversity

    “To study and monitor changes in Earth’s biodiversity, or the immense volume of organisms in the world, scientists and citizen scientists record their sightings in the field. At the same time, sensors on the ground and on board satellites and aircraft monitor flora and fauna on a regional to global scale. NASA has funded four…

  • Article: Is Mars’ Soil Too Dry to Sustain Life?

    “Life as we know it needs water to thrive. Even so, we see life persist in the driest environments on Earth. But how dry is too dry? At what point is an environment too extreme for even microorganisms, the smallest and often most resilient of lifeforms, to survive? These questions are important to scientists searching for life…

  • Article: Could Future Homes on the Moon and Mars Be Made of Fungi?

    “Science fiction often imagines our future on Mars and other planets as run by machines, with metallic cities and flying cars rising above dunes of red sand. But the reality may be even stranger – and “greener.” Instead of habitats made of metal and glass, NASA is exploring technologies that could grow structures out of…

  • Article: Art & Culture- Turbulence in The Starry Night

    “Researchers analyzing Vincent van Gogh’s The Starry Night show that its swirling structures have turbulent properties matching those observed in the molecular clouds that give birth to stars.”

  • Article: Anyone Out There? METI Scientists Message Alien World

    Earth is sending a calling card to the cosmos—a series of radio signals to start an interstellar conversation with an alien civilization. “The signals are designed to be detectable,” says Douglas Vakoch, president of San Francisco-based METI (Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence).  “We want to make contact.”

  • Article: A Group of Tardigrades Crashed Into the Moon in April. The Indestructable Critters Could Still Be Alive

    “A horde of microscopic critters called tardigrades were passengers aboard the Israeli spacecraft Beresheet, which crashed into the lunar surface nearly four months ago. But because tardigrates can survive in extreme environments, it’s likely these tiny astronauts are still alive. The microscopic organisms can go without water and oxygen for long periods of time in…

  • Article: 4,000 Comet Discovered by ESA & NASA Solar Observatory

    “On June 15, 2020, a citizen scientist spotted a never-before-seen comet in data from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, or SOHO — the 4,000th comet discovery in the spacecraft’s 25-year history.”

  • How can science fiction predict the future?

    “Would you like to know what’s in our future? What’s going to happen to humanity tomorrow, next year, or even a millennium from now? Well, you’re not alone. Everyone from governments to military to industry leaders do as well, and they all employ people – called ‘futurists’ – who attempt to forecast the future. Roey…

  • Ethnoscience

    “Ethnoscience has been defined as an attempt “to reconstitute what serves as science for others, their practices of looking after themselves and their bodies, their botanical knowledge, but also their forms of classification, of making connections, etc.” (Augé, 1999: 118). “

  • Dr. Greg Cajete on native science and biodiversity loss

    BioSTEAM: Dr. Greg Cajete talks about native science and biodiversity loss

STEMarts lab