Artists reimagine monuments through augmented reality (Video)
In a time of much reckoning over American history, there are questions raised anew about what a monument is and who should be honored. A new exhibition in Los Angeles explores that, in what is known as “augmented reality.” Jeffrey Brown has a look for our arts and culture series, “CANVAS.”
Hybrid Music Vibes: Max Frimout explores the use of augmented reality in sound
Most people think of augmented reality as visual, but artist Max Frimout finds this a limited take on AR. He finds sound and how it interacts with your physical positioning as a listener much more interesting. During Hybrid Music Vibes, Frimout has further developed the concept of the Odio app, an app which allows the…
Augmented reality art: Where your home becomes the gallery (Article)
This article by the BBC looks at Acute Art and other AR artists using technology to connect to each other. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-56123958.amp
Unexpected Growth: Tamiko Theil (Artist)
Explore artist Tamiko Theil’s AR installation at the Whitney. Tamiko Thiel’s Unexpected Growth uses augmented reality (AR)—the overlay of virtual elements onto physical reality—to create a parallel dimension of organic growth for the Whitney’s Floor 6 outdoor gallery. Through this work, Thiel highlights the inherent connection between natural processes and the generative qualities of code…
Augmented Reality Artwork In 30 minutes (Article)
“One of the most accessible, but at the same time impressive ways to marry art and tech is AR (augmented reality). Everyone has a computer in their pocket with a powerful camera that can act as a portal into the parallel reality where your act takes place.” Check out this article on Medium about some…
What is Sustainable Development?
A simple introduction to sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The film is produced by Animaskin on behalf of UN Association of Norway and UNICEF Norway, as part of an interdisciplinary learning program for students on primary and secondary level.
Astrobiology: Life in the Universe (resource)
Check out these comic books released by NASA on Astrobiology, Becoming an Astrobiologist and more! https://astrobiology.nasa.gov/resources/graphic-histories/
How high up are our Satellites?
Dr. Andrea Albert answers the question in this physics snippet.
Why can’t we see atoms using visible light?
Dr. Andrea Albert talks about visible light and atoms in this physics snippet.
Dr. Andrea Albert Astrophysicist (Resource)
Ramblings of an astrophysicist — astrophysics for people in a hurry! Check out Dr. Andrea Alberts’s Youtube channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtba-nPOuL_fY_ITz2S7uJg