How to Build a Space Colony | Visualizing The Future (video)
Imagine a sprawling megastructure floating endlessly through space. One day, humans may occupy an orbital settlement several hundred kilometers from Earth. Perhaps, humans will settle closer to the moon, or in the main asteroid belt beyond Mars. If humans ever migrate into space, what would our settlement look like, and how would we navigate life…
The High Frontier: The Untold Story of Gerard K. O’Neill (Full Documentary)
The High Frontier tells the untold story of Gerard K. O’Neill who in 1977 wrote the book, The High Frontier: Human Colonies in Space, which sparked a grassroots movement to build Earth-like habitats in space in order to solve Earth’s greatest crises.
Space technology for life on Earth (article)
The abundance of data that satellites collect about our planet can help solve a myriad of problems on Earth. For example, remote sensing technology can be used to detect environmental changes, satellite communication can assist with remote services and natural disaster management, and human spaceflight has advanced our understanding of medicine. https://www.esa.int/Enabling_Support/Preparing_for_the_Future/Discovery_and_Preparation/Space_technology_for_life_on_Earth
What If We Built an O’Neill Cylinder? (video)
Tired of living on an overpopulated Earth? Why not move to the O’Neill Cylinder? An artificial state-of-the-art space habitat where we can control everything, including the weather. What would it take to build a space station like this? How big would it be? And how would we make it suitable for life?
Astronomy enters a new age thanks to multi-messenger signals (article)
Cosmic rays, neutrinos, photons, and gravitational waves: Each of these signals carries a message. What can they tell us?
View Space (resource/interactives)
ViewSpace gives you the opportunity to explore our planet, solar system, galaxy, and universe. Provided free with the support of NASA, ViewSpace is developed by a team of scientists, educators, and communication specialists who collaborate to ensure that content is accurate, up-to-date, engaging, relevant, and accessible to a wide audience. ViewSpace interactives allow you to…
Explore the Electromagnetic Spectrum (resource)
Explore the “Magic Windows” of the electromagnetic spectrum https://spaceplace.nasa.gov/magic-windows/en/
Neutrino, measuring the unexpected—IceCube (video)
Francis Halzen, IceCube Principal Investigator, explains the search for high-energy neutrinos in this three part story of neutrinos.
How LIGO Detected Gravitational Waves (article)
Learn about the discovery of gravitational waves in this NOVA Next article https://lpb.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/nvnn-sci-ligo/wgbh-nova-next-how-ligo-detected-gravitational-waves/
Gravitational Waves Explained Using Stick Figures (video)
This video is about gravitational waves in the weak field limit as discovered by the LIGO collaboration, explained by parallels to electromagnetic radiation, sound waves, water waves, etc.