Video production and animation by OMAi Space Messengers is a ‘mixed reality’ installation that explores the impact of science and technologies on our societies, our planet and our universe. In a choreographed site specific large-scale projection, ‘space’ messages and voices of the youth are displayed along with their body silhouettes on to buildings. Animated earth/space imagery is live mixed in real time inside the silhouettes expressing the ‘universe within’. In partnership with the U.S Embassy of Portugal and the U.S. Consulate General of Guadalajara. This virtual collaboration connects middle/high school classrooms in New Mexico, USA with classrooms in Lisbon, Portugal and Guadalajara, Mexico (more countries to be added) through a shared sci-art installation that will tour around the world. The Space Messengers project features a series of interdisciplinary speakers that share their knowledge with students in these recorded presentations.

STEMarts lab