Archives: Taos Youth Ballet Wikis

  • Astrodance- Combining astrophysics and dance

    To inspire your physics-inspired dance, here is a mini documentary about a project at Rochester Institute of Technology which brought artists and scientists together to look at the formation of black-holes in a way. The interpretive dance, co-created by resident choreographer Thomas Warfield and Astrophysicist Manuela Campanelli, brought accessible images of theoretical movements to the…

  • Science concepts that informed ‘Totality of Being’

    Here are some examples of concepts that informed the choreography, Totality of Being: Emergence. This is when many individual, separate pieces exhibit collective behavior – exhibiting complex motion or behavior as one single entity. We see it at all scales in physics, from the atomic to the extra-galactic. One beautiful example is the formation and evolution…

  • A soundwalk through the universe

    In this TED Talk, Janna Levin takes you on a soundwalk through the Universe. A soundwalk through the universe

  • Artificial intelligence applied to virtual dance partner

    A new project from the Georgia Institute of Technology allows people to get move with a computer-controlled dancer, which “watches” the person and improvises its own moves based on prior experiences. Virtual dance partner

  • Chaos for high school students

    In this paper an innovative Edutainment (education plus entertainment) laboratory on Chaos for high school students is presented, promoting the awareness that art and contemporary science have a common matrix. In particular, the setting foresees the physical construction of Chua’s circuit, its simulation on a computer, as well as the production of three-dimensional attractors and…

  • Quantum: An ode to particle physics

    Drawing on his experience as Artist-in-Residence at CERN, Gilles Jobin’s dance performance, Quantum, presents an abstract meditation on the motion of particles and laws of physics. Quantum: An ode to particle physics

  • Learning physics through movement

    Created by Artistic Director Nicole A. Martinell in collaboration with Physicist Dr. Svetlana Gladycheva, “Learning Physics through Movement” is an arts integration program for K-12 students that shares innovative ways to explore and grasp physics concepts through the art of dance. Concepts, such as inertia, force, and equilibrium, are introduced to students through creative movement…

  • The movement of air

    Artist duo Adrien M & Claire B acrobatic dance performance utilizing digital projections. Movement of air. Dance performance video

  • The case for performance art

    Dubious of performance art? Break into a cold sweat when you realize it’s about to begin? There’s a reason. Here we present you with a brief history of performance art and attempt to sway you to its potential charms. Let us know if you buy it. PBS: The case for performance art video

  • Tips for Dancing your PhD

    Tips and tricks for dancing your PhD has some basic good ideas that can be applied to choreographing dance science concepts. Tips and Tricks video

STEMarts lab